Attract the attention and awareness you deserve and become the go-to leader in your industry in less time and with less effort thanks to the BOLD Signature Formula.

Online and traditional media
Leadership and reputation
Digital marketing


Strategic Communications

Communications is more than “putting content out there.” Brands need carefully strategized roadmaps that hit the mark with target audiences. Strategic planning is essential to ensure a brand’s voice is heard.

2015-2019 Sealed Air Corporation. Created comprehensive, integrated communications plans to engage with a wide range of stakeholders and partners to drive sales, grow customer base, improve reputation, increase engagement, improve company standing

Thought Leadership

A brand’s perspective is more than just chatter. Brands have a vision, a viewpoint, and a purpose. Supreme content ensures communications are tactful and will resonate with audiences.

2015-2019 Sealed Air Corporation. Created and launched company’s first thought leadership platform, which included fresh content and a robust campaign such as paid and earned media, organic social media, and digital marketing communications. Visitors spent twice the amount of time on page reading the content I produced and more than 150,000 viewed content I produced.

Experiential Marketing

When a consumer positively interacts with a brand in a unique situation, an emotional bond starts to form. Experiential marketing can be big or small but it’s always powerful.

2018 Bubble Wrap. Improved community relations and increased brand awareness by celebrating a brand anniversary on a characteristically stressful day. Did you know that about one minute of popping Bubble Wrap provides the same stress relief as a 33-minute massage? On Tax Day 2018, custom, oversized Bubble Wrap stress kits were delivered to a select group. Recipients were encouraged to grab a sheet and #popawaytaxday before filing their taxes. Digital and social content and a targeted social media campaign accompanied the stunt.

Online and Traditional Media

PR &
Media Relations

Earned media builds trust and credibility. Whether business, trade, consumer, print, digital, broadcast, radio or podcast – media is important to a brand’s status.

2015-2019 Sealed Air Corporation. Improved media impressions by 25%. Secured top-tier business media in outlets such as The Economist, TIME, Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek. Generated compelling, media-focused content such as press releases, messaging documents, and pitches.
2014 Unison Agency. Secured coverage in The Next Web.
2012 Hope For The Warriors. Liaised with local and national media. Secured coverage in Forbes and NBC.

Leadership and Reputation

Personal Brand Executive Visibility

You are comfortable being you. Let’s embrace your unique self and elevate your status. Together, we’ll determine your personal platform, establish your external persona, and strategize which outlets we’ll use to highlight you.

2015-2017 Sealed Air CEO Jerome Peribere. Established executive persona and enhanced visibility for Sealed Air CEO Jerome Peribere through traditional press, thought leadership articles and blogs, digital initiatives, social media, and speaking opportunities.

Crisis Communications

No one is perfect. Let’s ensure your brand is prepared for the worst-case scenario. Additionally, let’s make sure your brand knows how to respond swiftly through various channels.

2017-2019 Sealed Air Corporation. Acted as company spokesperson, served as crisis communications lead; created crisis communications guidelines. Managed and prevented countless crises.
2014-2015 Unison Agency. Managed and prevented digital crises for clients.

& Brand Management

Reputation is essential to performance. Let’s uplevel how you’re perceived while we continue to protect your every move.

2015 Chopt. Updated company branding, such as menu boards and new sneeze guard graphics to beautifully depict food items and allow the consumer to easily identify options.
2014-2015 Restore the Earth Foundation.
2013-2014 Cava. Branded new fast casual restaurant. Created company branding, product packaging, interior design, in-store menu system, and digital presence to evoke a clean and contemporary Mediterranean feel.

Digital Marketing

Social Media

There’s much more to social media than meets the eye. These powerful tools allow brands to reach millions of others and establish relationships with individuals and consumers.

2018 Sealed Air Corporation. Increased social media engagement by 100%.
2014-2015 Unison Agency. Developed robust social media strategies and content calendars for Unison and clients. Improved digital presence and increased social and web traffic up to 139%.

Digital Marketing

A holistic approach to digital marketing can be the best way to target, reach, and engage with audiences. This can include effective email communications, SEO, SEM, paid media, data, and analytics.

2019 Sealed Air Corporation. Developed robust paid campaign and saw a 100% increase in engagement.
2012-2013 Hope For The Warriors. Developed and implemented integrated digital and traditional marketing strategies and generated leads through automated email marketing solutions, SEM, SEO, and paid media.

strategic tactics deliver results.

Attract the attention you deserve. Be BOLD.